{:id}Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Fisika Universitas Nasional menerima penghargaan “Most Usefull Technology” pada Pameran Technociety ITB 2016. Mahasiswa Teknik Fisika tersebut mengusung teknologi Eco Power Booster di pameran yang berlangsung pada 20 – 22 November 2016.

{:}{:en}Student Association of Physics Engineering Universitas Nasional received the “Most Usefull Technology” at the ITB 2016. Physics Engineering students carried out the Eco Power Booster technology at the exhibition which took place on November 20 to 22, 2016.
Eco Power Booster (EPB) is a tool that was changed water into energy. This technology can save fuel without affecting vehicle performance. Vehicle emission technology that used Eco Power Booster has proven extremely environmentally friendly, because EPB technology can reduce the level of vehicle emissions that are released.
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